Chelsea & Gionarrell Engagement Pictures

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Say Hello to Kaitlyn | Staske New Teen Model

Say Hello to Kaitlyn and welcome her to our Staske Teen Modeling Team. Kaitlyn is 13 and relatively new to the area. Kaitlyn moved here from another part of the Midwest and is just getting a strong hold on everything she loves. Kaitlyn has been involved in dance. She is finding that track may be […]
Sweet Deal | Take an opportunity to get all your session images in DISC

AS A VALUED CLIENT WE HAVE A SWEET DEAL FOR YOU!!! Our filing cabinets are about to burst and we are running out of storage so the time has come to thin out the files and move into the 21st century. You maybe wondering “Why are you telling me this?” For a limited time we are […]

Class of 2016 it is a busy time right now. Announcements are going out, Prom is around the corner not to mention finals; however we know some of you have put off/delayed having some of the most important pictures of your life taken. We have some dates remaining for you to take advantage of our […]
How to take the perfect headshot to brand yourself better

Why should I get a headshot? Regardless of the diversity, uniqueness and niche of your profession, business or enterprise, you need to promote, market and sell yourself. And in order to do all three of these effectively, you need an admirable, presentable, and simply, a great headshot. Indeed, your most flattering and attractive photo can […]
How to create the perfect wedding album ?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Your wedding is your own personal, exclusive red carpet event, and it is your job to make sure each and every moment of this magnanimous and life changing event is wonderfully captured and preserved. From hiring the best photographer to making all the right poses, we understand that the ordeal can get too much, and […]
Why Corporate Photography is Important For Your Business ?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]No matter what line of business you are in, image is extremely important. On your website, in magazines, and on social media, your photographs are what most people use to formulate their image of your business. According to a study, visual information can be responsible for as much as 87% of the consumer’s retention concerning […]
Exciting and fun ideas for a couple’s photo-shoot on this Valentine’s Day

Celebrate Valentine’s Day by taking your partner on a fun, memorable and exciting shoot where you can recreate memories from the past, or done exciting avatars to celebrate your time spent together and secure your memories in some amazing pictures! With Valentine’s Day practically just around the corner, we’re sure you might want to […]
Come, Visit Staske Booths at The Elegant Bridal Expo Champaign
Hello Brides-To-Be, Join us on Sunday, January 17th, 2016 from 12:00pm to 4:00pm at the I Hotel Conference Center for the Elegant Bridal Expo. You can find us in the Lincoln Room Booth 42 & 43. Stop at Booth 42 and Register to Win $500 off on your 2016 or 2017 Wedding Package. * There […]
Cutest Kid Contest
It’s great to see such a diverse range of beauties participated in this competition and wanted to get an opportunity with Stasky photography. We’re going to announce ONE WINNER who will get a FREE SESSION from Staske. BUT .. we have something special for all of the contestants. If your KID has been listed here in […]